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Nursing Pay in Wales

The latest on the Fair pay for Nursing Campaign in Wales

Where are we now?

After 72% of eligible RCN members in Wales voted to reject the 5.5% Agenda for Change pay award recommended by the Pay Review Body (PRB), RCN Wales wrote to the Welsh Government. We expressed members' anger and asked for urgent talks on pay restoration.

In response, the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care confirmed that the Welsh Government has accepted the PRB’s recommendations, with the pay increase to be backdated to April 2024 (read the Welsh government’s statement). The Cabinet Secretary also reaffirmed the government’s commitment to pay restoration but mentioned that discussions would continue through the Wales Partnership Forum, which includes RCN Wales.

What's next?

As we prepare for the pay announcement for this year it is very important that you discuss pay and our next steps with your colleagues.

  • Now is the time to get active in your workplace: elect representatives and help organise on these key issues.
  • We are continuing to push the Welsh Government for protected time for continuing professional development (CPD) and a 36-hour work week.
  • We’re also building on our members’ frustrations through our campaign to end corridor care, and holding the Welsh Government to account to make this happen.

RCN Wales will keep amplifying your voice on the issues that matter most.


Fair pay for nursing is about:

  • Recognising that salaries for nursing professionals have consistently fallen below inflation – exacerbated by the cost of living crisis – and must now rise significantly to reflect that.
  • Valuing the training, qualifications, skills, responsibilities and experience demonstrated every day by nursing staff.
  • Ensuring that nursing is seen as an attractive, rewarding profession to tackle the thousands of unfilled nursing posts in NHS Wales.

Ultimately, it's about providing safe and effective care for all people of the United Kingdom.

We are clear that nursing staff deserve the same and fair pay no matter the setting or sector. The Fair Pay for Nursing campaign aims to secure a significant pay increase for all nursing staff covered by Agenda for Change terms. It should apply equally to all NHS nursing staff at all Agenda for Change pay bands.

Health is devolved, and funding our health and care system is a political choice. 


Read our submission to the NHS Pay Review Body

RCN Wales has submitted supplementary evidence to the NHS Pay Review Body for 2022 alongside the RCN's UK-wide evidence.

We made the case for a pay uplift 5% above inflation and explore the ongoing impact of the pandemic, the staffing crisis facing the profession and the spiralling cost of living.

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Page last updated - 04/12/2024